I just went on a fun ski trip to Idaho for a week with a group of friends. We had a big cabin and did a lot of skiing at Brundage Mountain. I had a pair of parabolic skis for the first time and I loved how they handled. It snowed allot while we were there and it was very cold. Just the way I like it.

Brundage had the best snow that I have ever skied on with lots of nice dry powder. On some of the backcountry trails I was skiing through drifts up to my waist. It was great. Jeremy and I are pretty good skiers, but Chelsea, Marco and Forest were learning for the first time.

It was a quiet little town where we were staying, but we had fun sledding, snow ball fighting and playing board games at night. Catch Phrase was our favorite.

There was a nice jacuzzi at our cabin and we spent allot of time in it warming up after a day of skiing. One night, Jeremy and I jumped out of the hot water and made angels in the freezing snow wearing just our swim trunks. Heh!

One night we went to the hot springs in a nearby town. It was pretty cool with two big pools, one with nice warm water and the other so boiling hot you could barely sit in it. A cool fox came and visited our cabin and hung out for a little bit. I have never seen one in the wild before so I was happy to snap a photo of it.

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